Members’ Forum: On Compassion and Ahimsa

Printed in the Spring 2019  issue of Quest magazine.
Citation: Miles, Standish,"Members’ Forum: On Compassion and Ahimsa" Quest 107:2, pg 

By Miles Standish

I have been a member of the Theosophical Society since 1946. I joined because I felt drawn by the concept of compassion and ahimsa, although I was not yet familiar with the word ahimsa. The first Theosophical book I read (at age ten or eleven) was At the Feet of the Master, by J. Krishnamurti, containing what he said were instructions by his master. All of that book was highly influential for me, but perhaps the most influential part was the reference to “the still more cruel superstition that man needs flesh for food.” I was raised in a meat-eating family, but as soon as I was on my own, free of the restraints imposed by military service, I began eliminating flesh foods from my diet.

There was little or no science to back up the assertion that flesh foods are unnecessary, but the concept resonated strongly with me. Sadly, I didn’t realize that the production of dairy foods and eggs involves as much suffering as meat production. Even later, when I got cancer in 1972, I still did not know about the hazards of consuming dairy products.

The cruelty affects not only the animals but the humans who consume these products

Around 2012, I read The China Study, by Dr. T. Colin Campbell. He talked about experiments showing that with a moderate dose of a carcinogen, you can turn cancer on and turn it off by varying the amount of animal protein in the diet. Also, meat eating consistently causes the accumulation of plaque in the blood vessels, which eventually lead to cardiac “events.”

Campbell’s book does not address ahimsa per se, but all of us are victimized by the firmly ingrained superstition that we need flesh for food. This superstition is perpetuated by the animal-food production community and by the pharmaceutical industry, which sells drugs to lessen the effects. The government is drawn in through lobbying.

A big revelation was given to me by Professor Jane Plant, who reversed advanced breast cancer not once but several times by eliminating all dairy products from her diet. I think dairy products were highly instrumental in my falling prey to testicular cancer in 1972. I now try to keep to a vegan diet, and at age ninety-three have no disease calling for medication.

Several powerful documentary films show the health hazards, the gross cruelty, and the unsustainability of the animal-food industry. Three that I recommend are Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret; What the Health; and Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home. Another outstanding book on this topic is How Not to Die, by Dr. Michael Greger. 

I think the Theosophical Society would do great service to all life on the planet by becoming a leader in encouraging humans to move to a plant-based diet.

Miles Standish, a retired Air Force major, has been active in several branches and regional federations of the TSA.

Viewpoint: Ahimsa in Practice

Printed in the Spring 2019  issue of Quest magazine.
Citation: Barbara, Hebert,"Viewpoint: Ahimsa in Practice" Quest 107:2, pg 10-11

By Barbara Hebert
National President 

Theosophical Society - Barbara B. Hebert currently serves as president of the Theosophical Society in America.  She has been a mental health practitioner and educator for many years.The focus of this issue of Quest is ahimsa. This word, familiar to many who tread the spiritual path, derives from the Sanskrit himsa, meaning to strike, injure, or harm. Ahimsa has the opposite meaning: to cause no harm or do no injury. Ahimsa is to have respect for all life and to avoid violence toward all others.

The national board of directors asked that Quest incorporate ahimsa as one of its topics because of the many board discussions regarding ahimsa and veganism. These discussions emanated from appeals by several members of the Theosophical Society in America to make veganism the primary diet at our national headquarters. While there are many reasons to consider veganism as a primary diet, the board decided to maintain the diet as is (ovo-lacto-vegetarian) while including substantial vegan options at meals. This decision was based primarily on the Society’s freedom of thought policy.

The Theosophical Society does not require any member to adhere to any specific practice, diet, or belief. Members have freedom of thought, belief, and action, as long as they are in sympathy with the Three Objects. Therefore the board decided not to require the change. But the board also determined that a thorough discussion of ahimsa would be useful to all on the spiritual path. Hence this issue.

Of course there are many books and videos on the importance of veganism, not just from a health perspective but also from ecological and ethical perspectives. The pioneering effort of many in moving from a meat diet to an ovo-lacto-vegetarian diet was monumental seventy-five to 100 years ago. Today many believe that maintaining an ovo-lacto-vegetarian diet is simply not enough and that as pioneers in the spiritual movement, we need to move away from all animal-based products. Once again, this is an individual decision, and it is hoped that a discussion regarding ahimsa will be valuable.

The First Object of the Theosophical Society is to encourage a nucleus of the universal brotherhood of humanity without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste, or color. This object, clearly defining that all are welcome to join the Society, certainly relates to other human beings. However, it also points to something much deeper: the unity of all life and the spiritual evolution of all beings through the various kingdoms of nature (mineral, plant, animal, human, and beyond). This unitive nature of all beings lies at the heart both of our First Object and of ahimsa.

Joy Mills, late president of the TSA, in an article published in the November 1996 Theosophist entitled “Purpose of the Society’s Objects,” writes: “Does not the First Object lead us to examine our own conduct, our own reactions, our own relationships with others and with all forms of life, to see whether we have come even close to the realization of the true nature of brotherhood based on an absolute knowledge of the unitary nature of all existence?”

This concept, shared in Theosophical teachings, reminds us that all life is one. This is the basis for the First Object: we, and everything around us, are expressions of the One Life—or whatever we may choose to call it.

Some might say, “I wish I could experience the Ultimate Reality,” or “I wish I could experience God.” Because our world is illusory, we believe that we are separated from the Ultimate Reality, but that is not entirely true. Take a moment and look around. Everything you see is the One Life; all of the things you see—your family, friends, strangers, trees, animals, flowers, birds, insects, rocks—are expressions of the Ultimate Reality made manifest in this phenomenal world. We are looking at aspects of the One Life. We are looking at God. And we are surrounded by it every minute of every single day, if we would only recognize it.

Since all beings in existence in this material world are expressions of the One Life, aren’t we compelled to have an attitude of respect and nonviolence for the life within those beings, whether plant, animal, human, or other? If we are to take our Theosophical principles to heart, this is a subject to be contemplated deeply.

We may wonder, which comes first: a recognition of the One Life in all beings or ahimsa? Then we may wonder, what difference does it make which comes first? One will eventually lead us to the other.

As we act in accordance with ahimsa toward other creatures, we are respecting and recognizing the One Life that is expressed in all forms in this physical world. By doing so, we transform our consciousness. We are practicing altruism and thus doing the work of this great organization to which we belong.

H.P. Blavatsky writes, as have many others, that the true work of the Theosophical Society is altruism. Altruism can be defined as the selfless concern for the well-being of others. In Theosophical teachings, altruism focuses on service to humanity and to all emanations of the One Life. But there are so many who are in need and so many ways to help. How do we decide upon an altruistic path?

Because of our principle of the freedom and autonomy of all members, there is no one specific altruistic action that the organization of the Theosophical Society will identify. Each of us must choose in our own way, guided by our own passions and interests, how we will help others. However, if we look a bit more deeply, it quickly becomes clear that one way in which each and every member of the Theosophical Society can, in addition to other altruistic acts, serve humanity is to facilitate the raising of consciousness.

Raising the consciousness of humanity—what a gargantuan task! How do we even begin? In order to change the consciousness of humanity, we must first change our own. We may call it self-transformation, self-regeneration, expansion of consciousness, or anything else, but whatever we call it, we must change ourselves so that we can change the world.

Assuming that the Theosophical teachings regarding the unity of all life are accurate (and, of course, I do make that assumption!), then it stands to reason that as one part of the whole changes, the rest must change as well, even if it is a miniscule change. It is much like putting a drop of dye into a container of water: the color of the water changes, even if just a tiny bit. Through this process of self-regeneration, self-transformation, or expansion of consciousness, we continue to add small drops of dye until eventually the color of the water in the entire container has been changed. In such a way, as we change ourselves, we change the world.

Changing ourselves and hence transforming the world is an act of altruism in which all of us can partake. This raising of consciousness is, in a way, an act of ahimsa. By undertaking this arduous process of self-regeneration, we promulgate respect for life and nonviolence towards ourselves and therefore toward all beings. In this way, we are truly living a Theosophical life.

These thoughts bring us back to the original topic of our discussion—veganism. As we gather information, contemplate the various aspects of the unitive nature of all life, and consider dietary implications, each of us will make personal decisions about diet as we move forward. These decisions will likely be based on our own understanding of our place in the world and our role in living altruistic lives. I wish us all well in our contemplative journeys.

From the Editor’s Desk

Printed in the Spring 2019  issue of Quest magazine.
Citation: Richard, Smoley,"From the Editor’s Desk" Quest 107:2, pg 

Theosophical Society - Richard Smoley is editor of Quest: Journal of the Theosophical Society in America and a frequent lecturer for the Theosophical SocietyChristianity and Buddhism both speak of love and compassion, although in different proportions.

For Christianity, love has always been the primary value. The New Testament even says, “God is love” (1 John 4:8). But Buddhism, particularly in its Mahayana form, speaks more often about compassion.

This difference says something about the two religions. What is love? It is that which unites self and other, while preserving the integrity of each. (For more on this, see my book Conscious Love: Insights from Mystical Christianity.) Love does not presuppose suffering. You can love someone whether he or she is suffering or not.

Compassion, on the other hand, inevitably includes an element of “feeling sorry for.” It is hard to feel compassion for someone who is enjoying perfect bliss. Hence the centrality of compassion for Buddhism. The central premise of Buddhism is dukkha—suffering, or, if you like, dissatisfaction. All sentient beings—from the gods in the highest heaven down to the beings in the hell realms—are subject to dukkha. The only appropriate response is compassion.

How, then, is compassion related to love? The most elegant and profound answer to this question comes from Mahayana Buddhism, with its teaching of the four immeasurable catalysts of being. They are love, compassion, joy, and equanimity. They operate in a cycle.

Let us begin with equanimity. This is total freedom from attachment—“becoming impassive about those near and far,” as the thirteenth-century Tibetan sage Longchenpa puts it in his Trilogy of Finding Comfort and Ease.[*]

 We can see a difficulty here. Equanimity, taken to an extreme, can lead to a pervasive indifference or obliviousness.

 How do you counteract this inner torpor? With “a supreme, all-encompassing love greater than the love a mother has for her only child” for all beings. But love contains the potential danger of attachment, as we see in most human relationships.

What do you do then? Develop compassion by thinking of the suffering of all beings “in the same way as you are unable to bear mentally the suffering of your parents,” says Longchenpa. He adds, “the inability of bear the suffering of living beings is the indication (of compassion).”

Nevertheless, this relentless focus on suffering can become depressing. The way out of that is to cultivate joy:

             Ah, there is no need for me to install
            All these beings in happiness;
            Each of them having found his happiness,
            Might they from now onwards . . .
            Never be separated from this pleasure and happiness.

But with joy, taken to an extreme, “the mind is agitated and becomes overexcited. You have then to cultivate equanimity, which is free from the attachment to those near and far.” And the cycle begins anew. We can picture it in this way:

Theosophical Society - Cycle of Love, Compassion, Joy, Equanimity

Longchenpa advises starting with the cultivation of love, then moving on to compassion, joy, and equanimity. Eventually the practitioner “may then cultivate the immeasurably great properties in their order, outside their order, in a mixed order, or in leaps and bounds.”

 This teaching is the most profound and powerful that I know of about the relation of compassion to the other principal virtues. It is echoed in Aristotle’s teaching that all virtue is a mean between two extremes. Compassion is a mean between apathy and a sentimental but debilitating pity.

I think it would be wise to contemplate this teaching today, when many people overexcite themselves—even in the name of compassion—in the belief that this agitation is a virtue. Agitation and upset are never beneficial, even when supposedly in the service of the highest ideals.

Richard Smoley


[*] I am quoting from Longchenpa, Kindly Bent to Ease Us, Part One: Mind, trans. Herbert V. Guenther (Berkeley, Calif.: Dharma Publishing, 1975), chapter 7.

The Occult World of Pamela Travers

Printed in the Spring 2019  issue of Quest magazine.
Citation: Paul V., Young,"The Occult World of Pamela Travers" Quest 107:2, pg 35-38

By Paul V. Young

Theosophical Society - Paul V. Young is a writer and author as well as a certified practitioner of Reiki, neurolinguistic programming, and the Law of Attraction. The masterfully told stories of a magical nanny that held adults and children alike spellbound for decades might incline readers to think that Australian author Pamela (P.L.) Travers merely had an overactive imagination. The truth is that her talent blossomed out of a fertile garden of occult teachings and paranormal experiences, nurtured and inspired by some exceptionally gifted personalities in real life. The movie Saving Mr. Banks and the documentary The Real Mary Poppins have treated the public to insights on her relationship with her father, the influence of the aunt she called Sass, and her tumultuous association with Walt Disney. Of equal gravity was her lifelong attraction to mystical pursuits and the guidance of the philosopher and mystic G.I. Gurdjieff.

Travers was born in Maryborough, Queensland, as Helen Lyndon Goff in 1899. Her father, Travers Robert Goff, whom she adored, moved the family to the small community of Allora on the Darling Downs in 1905, where he died of tuberculosis at the age of forty-three. It was then that Christina Saraset, or Aunt Sass, as she liked to be called, came on the scene to help out, and Pamela and her family moved once again, this time to Bowral in New South Wales.

It is now common knowledge that the character of Mr. Banks in her novels was based on her father, while Aunt Sass, who “flew in from the east,” would serve as the model for Mary Poppins, who famously blew in from the east with her parrot umbrella and magical carpetbag. The real-life Aunt Sass was a strong, no-nonsense presence in her niece’s life, as well as her work. Travers described her as a “bulldog with a ferocious exterior” but with a “heart tender to the point of sentimentality.”

   Theosophical Society - Pamela Travers, author of Mary Poppins, studied the Gurdjieff system under his pupil Jane Heap, and in March 1936, with the help of Jessie Orage (widow of the editor and critic A.R. Orage, another student of Gurdjieff’s), she met Gurdjieff, who in turn introduced her to the paths of Sufism and Zen. He encouraged her to explore Eastern religion and during her thirties and forties, she delved into Buddhism, later gravitating to Jiddu Krishnamurti.
  Pamela Travers

Travers has been described by some observers as “mysterious and prickly,” and one could form the opinion, based on Emma Thompson’s portrayal of her in Saving Mr. Banks—as praiseworthy as it was from an artistic point of view—that the writer was full of herself, close-minded, and perhaps even emotionally cold. This notion might be further reinforced by the fact that she never married, bore children of her own, or formed a family unit in the conventional sense. Yet such an impression would be completely false.

As a young woman Helen Goff was an actress, dancer, and poet before turning her hand to journalism. She toured Australia and New Zealand as a member of Allan Wilkie’s Shakespearean Company, adopting the stage name Pamela Lyndon Travers. At the age of twenty-four she traveled to Ireland, where the Irish poet, mystic, and Theosophist George Russell (AE) would become her mentor. As editor of The Irish Statesman, Russell, whose kindness towards younger writers was legendary, initially accepted some of her poems for publication. From 1925 onward, she was introduced to Theosophical thought and to literary figures familiar with the Theosophical Society, including T.S. Eliot, Oliver St. John Gogarty, and William Butler Yeats, the latter being one of the leaders of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. 

   Gurdjieff, Mysticism, and Spirituality

   Theosophical Society - George Russell, Irish poet, mystic, and Theosophist served editor of The Irish Statesman
  The Irish author George Russell, who wrote under the pen name AE.

Travers had studied the Gurdjieff system under his pupil Jane Heap, and in March 1936, with the help of Jessie Orage (widow of the editor and critic A.R. Orage, another student of Gurdjieff’s), she met Gurdjieff, who in turn introduced her to the paths of Sufism and Zen. He encouraged her to explore Eastern religion and during her thirties and forties, she delved into Buddhism, later gravitating to Jiddu Krishnamurti.

As a successful writer, Travers traveled to New York City during World War II while working for the British Ministry of Information. At the invitation of her friend, the U.S. Commissioner of Indian Affairs, John Collier, Travers spent two summers living among the Navajo, Hopi, and Pueblo Indians, studying their mythology and folklore. Episodes such as these reveal something of her true character and her perpetual thirst for knowledge of the occult and esoteric. She had no qualms about lodging at a reservation and formed a close bond with the Navajo people in Arizona, who did the honor of bestowing an Indian name on her, although it was one that she always kept secret. After the war, she remained in the U.S. and became writer-in-residence at Radcliffe College, Smith College.

Journalist and critic Jerry Griswold, in an essay tribute to Travers published after her death, asserted that she had “lived for several years” with the Navajos and, during another period, had “studied for several years” in Kyoto under a Zen master, although in his recollections he probably exaggerated the time spans somewhat. After her American sojourn, she returned to England, making only one brief visit to Sydney in 1960 while on her way to Japan to study Zen. 

Arcane Influences and Didactic Writings

To what degree were Travers’ writings influenced, guided or even manipulated by her spiritual masters? She met Gurdjieff some years after the first edition of Mary Poppins had been published in 1934, followed by the equally well-received Mary Poppins Comes Back (1935). Any direct influence by Gurdjieff is more likely to be found in the later Mary Poppins books, particularly Mary Poppins Opens the Door (1944) and Mary Poppins in the Park (1952).

In 1970 Travers authored a contribution on Gurdjieff for the encyclopedia Man, Myth, and Magic, edited by Richard Cavendish, then went on to publish an insightful ten-page booklet, George Ivanovich Gurdjieff, three years later. In that tract she reflects on the various traditions that were woven into Gurdjieff’s work and, by extension, her own thought and philosophy:

What was the source of his teaching? True to his role, Gurdjieff never openly disclosed it. By examining his writings and the numerous commentaries upon them it might be possible to discover parallels in various traditions: Tantric Buddhism, Hinduism, Sufism, Greek Orthodoxy—possible, but hardly profitable. For the fundamental features of his method cannot be traced to any one source. [P.D.] Ouspensky quotes him as admitting, I will say that, if you like, this is esoteric Christianity. There seems no reason to reject this when one remembers that Christianity, as Gurdjieff knew it, was the heir of the ages and must have drawn to itself elements from very early pre-Christian traditions, Hittite, Assyrian, Phrygian, Persian; and there is nothing so explosive as old ideas restated in contemporary terms as the Western world was to discover when Gurdjieff burst upon it.

In the same publication she lists several celebrated editors and writers of the day who socialized with Gurdjieff at his “great feasts where, under the influence of good food, vodka and the watchful eye of the Master, opportunities were provided, for those who had the courage, to come face to face with themselves. The hardiest among them, those who could rise to the level of being serious, were allowed to transmit something of the teaching to newer pupils.”

This issue of the transmission of the teachings poses the further question of whether Travers’s novels carried veiled arcane messages intended only for the more astute and esoterically inclined among her audience. We should, nevertheless, resist the temptation to read too much of Gurdjieff into the Mary Poppins stories. In an interview which appeared in The Paris Review in 1982, the interviewers asked Travers whether “Mary Poppins’ teaching—if one can call it that—resemble that of Christ in his parables. Travers replied:

My Zen master, because I've studied Zen for a long time, told me that every one (and all the stories weren’t written then) of the Mary Poppins stories is in essence a Zen story. And someone else, who is a bit of a Don Juan, told me that every one of the stories is a moment of tremendous sexual passion, because it begins with such tension and then it is reconciled and resolved in a way that is gloriously sensual.

The answer is clarified by the following question posed by the interviewer: “So people can read anything and everything into the stories?”Travers’ response: “Indeed.”

In Man, Myth, and  Magic, Pamela Travers wanted to make it clear that that the work of her master in no way constituted black magic. She wrote:

It is clear from Gurdjieff's writings that hypnotism, mesmerism and various arcane methods of expanding consciousness must have played a large part in the studies of the Seekers of Truth [a group Gurdjieff said he had belonged to in his youth]. None of these processes, however, is to be thought of as having any bearing on what is called Black Magic, which, according to Gurdjieff, “has always one definite characteristic. It is the tendency to use people for some, even the best of aims, without their knowledge and understanding, either by producing in them faith and infatuation or by acting upon them through fear. There is, in fact, neither red, green nor yellow magic. There is ‘doing.’ Only ‘doing’ is magic.” Properly to realise the scale of what Gurdjieff meant by magic, one has to remember his continually repeated aphorism, “Only he who can be can do,” and its corollary that, lacking this fundamental verb, nothing is “done,” things simply “happen.” 

Travers insisted that the Mary Poppins stories had not come from herself, but that there are “ideas floating around that pick on certain people.” She believed that her books were gifts of Go, “given” to her, and quoted C. S. Lewis saying, “There is only one Creator, we merely mix the ingredients He gives us.” She declared that she was not a creator, but simply a vessel and never wrote specifically for children but was “grateful that children have included my books in their treasure trove.” 

What the Bee Knows

In addition to her well-known collection of novels, Travers wrote numerous nonfictional essays and books, especially in her later years. What the Bee Knows is a collection of spiritual essays. The back of the book describes it as “a honeycomb of essays pointing to the truth-of-things handed down in the great popular stories of cultures around the world.” And that is just what it is—a labyrinth of brief dissertations covering a range of esoteric, myth-based, and biographical themes. She shares tales of her friendships with literary figures such as Yeats and Russell, of her studies among many religions of the world, of her early experience with fairy tale and folklore, which shaped her character.

The Sphinx, the Pyramids, the stone temples are, all of them, ultimately, as flimsy as London Bridge; our cities but tents set up in the cosmos. We pass. But What The Bee Knows, the wisdom that sustains our passing life—however much we deny or ignore it—that for ever remains.

Why did Travers choose the bee as her metaphor? She wrote:

I thought of [Karl] Kerenyi—“Mythology occupies a higher position in the bios, the Existence, of a people in which it is still alive than poetry, storytelling or any other art.” And of [Bronislaw] Malinowski—“Myth is not merely a story told, but a reality lived.” And, along with those, the word “Pollen,” the most pervasive substance in the world, kept knocking at my ear. Or rather, not knocking, but humming. What hums? What buzzes? What travels the world? Suddenly I found what I sought. “What the bee knows,” I told myself. “That is what I’m after.”

But even as I patted my back, I found myself cursing, and not for the first time, the artful trickiness of words, their capriciousness, their lack of conscience. Betray them and they will betray you. Be true to them and, without compunction, they will also betray you, foxily turning all the tables, thumbing syntactical noses. For—nota bene!—if you speak or write about What The Bee Knows, what the listener, or the reader, will get—indeed, cannot help but get—is Myth, Symbol, and Tradition! You see the paradox? The words, by their very perfidy—which is also their honourable intention—have brought us to where we need to be. For, to stand in the presence of paradox, to be spiked on the horns of dilemma, between what is small and what is great, microcosm and macrocosm, or, if you like, the two ends of the stick, is the only posture we can assume in front of this ancient knowledge—one could even say everlasting knowledge. 

An Esoteric and Occult Bequest 

Toward the end of her life Travers became increasingly interested in Sufism, a form of Islamic mysticism, particularly its Persian branch, through meetings with members of the fraternity and their publications in Britain. We can assume that she continued her search for life’s meaning among the world’s mystical and spiritual traditions right until the end. Perhaps she never felt she had reached the ultimate aim of Gurdjieff’s Work or Fourth Way, which held the goal of shattering one’s pretensions and ego, or the stripping away of the egocentric personality and awakening to a higher consciousness.

It is no secret that the great success of author J.K. Rowling, with that other fictional champion of magic in book and film, Harry Potter, owes something to Travers. Rowling was an admirer of Travers and adopted both her enigmatic disguise in initialing her first names and also the theme of flight, just as Travers had herself been inspired by J.M. Barrie’s Peter Pan. She also borrowed the name when she created the character of the Death-Eater wizard called Travers in her novels. Rowling now ranks highly in the tradition of authors of youth fantasy classics, joining C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, J.M. Barrie and, of course, Travers.

In 1977 Travers was made an Officer of the Order of the British Empire and in 1978 received an honorary degree from Chatham College in Pittsburgh. She would spend the final years of her life in London’s Chelsea district, dying from the effects of an epileptic seizure on April 23, 1996, at the age of ninety-six. What she contributed to literature is now legendary. What she bequeathed us in the way of mystical knowledge ought not be underestimated either. Her lifelong pursuit of spiritual wisdom enriched the storehouse of esoteric teachings available to all those she called the “Seekers of Truth.”

Paul V. Young is a writer and author as well as a certified practitioner of Reiki, neurolinguistic programming, and the Law of Attraction. He lives on the Gold Coast of Australia and publishes the monthly online magazine His blog is This article was originally published in New Dawn magazine.
