Universal Laws
What is the purpose of Life? What happens when we die? Do we come back? The Theosophical teachings postulate the Human Soul is a pilgrim in a plan of Spiritual Evolution. This journey is accomplished through a cycle of Reincarnation, and regulated universal laws as that of Karma, Dharma, the Law of Periodicity, etc.
Note: The links are listed alphabetically by the author's name, and not according to any particular sequence.
1- Online Articles
Synchronicity: The Gateway to OpportunitySynchronicity: The Gateway to Opportunity by Ed Abdill
Ian Stevenson and Evidence of Past Lives by John Algeo
Reincarnation: the Evidence by John Algeo
Life Evolves In Cycles by Clara Codd
Karma by Mabel Collins
The Next Stages in Human Spiritual Evolution Part 1 and Part 2 by Robert Ellwood
Blavatsky on Evolution by Anna Lemkow
Karma and Dharma: Twin Keys to the Heroic JourneyKarma and Dharma: Twin Keys to the Heroic Journey by Joy Mills
Return from Violent Death by James S. Perkins
Meeting Death as a Friend by N. Sri Ram
Does The Personality Survive? By L. W. Rogers
Karma: The Law of Order and Opportunity by The Theosophical Society in America
Death and Life Beyond by The Theosophical Society in America
Reincarnation by The Theosophical Society in America
2- Online Audios
Freedom, Order, and the Law of Karma by John Algeo
Life on the Other Side of Death by Clara Codd
Chance or Law in Human Life? By Geoffrey Hodson
How the Human Soul Descends to Birth by Geoffrey Hodson
Karma and Human Relations by Dora Kunz
The Role of Karma in Life by Dora Kunz
What is Death by Joy Mills
Reincarnation for Everyone by James Perkins
Through Death to Rebirth by James Perkins
The Near-Death Experience as a Basis for Religious Unity by Robert Ellwood
Has Man Lived on Earth Before? By Geoffrey Hodson
3- Online Videos
Reincarnation: The Untrue Fact by John Algeo
I'm Dead! Now What? By Dick Brooks
Death and Immortality by Radha Burnier
Chance or Law in Human Life? By Geoffrey Hodson
Karma, Skandhas, and Personality by Shirley Nicholson
Through Death to Rebirth by James Perkins
Reincarnation for Everyone by James Perkins
4- Borrow from the H. S. Olcott Memorial Library
a) Books
Algeo, John, Reincarnation Explored, 1987, 151 pages.
An elementary survey of the subject examining evidence for and against reincarnation obtained by spiritualistic practices, clairvoyance, regression, hypnosis, and spontaneous memories, considering also the theosophical viewpoint. Available on CD at Questbooks.com.
129 Alg RE
Besant, Annie, Death--and After?, 1977, 100 pages.
Besant describes the process we call death, by which the immortal Self of man withdraws from physical experience towards higher realms, the fate of the different components of the passing personality, and how the Self returns to Earth for a new incarnation.
T B463 DA 1977 (Mini)
Besant, Annie, Dharma, 1986, 72 pages.
The author explains how each person, being at a different stage of inner development, has his own particular aim to fulfill during life which determines what is right or wrong for him in the process of unfolding his unique perfection.
T B463 D (Mini)
Besant, Annie, The Great Plan, 1921, 109 pages.
Four lectures about the evolution of our solar system according to science, religion, and the occult point of view, addressing cyclic development through Chains and Rounds, and the evolution of humanity.
T B463 GP
Besant, Annie, Karma, 1905, 77 pages.
Exploring whether we live in a world of law and justice in spite of the apparent inequality in human existence, the author explains in simple language the difficult concept of nature's law, balance, known in the East as karma.
T B463 K (Mini)
Besant, Annie, Reincarnation, 1919, 72 pages.
The rationale of the ancient teaching of reincarnation is described, its method, causes, evolutionary purpose, and the aspects of human beings that reincarnate and those that do not.
T B463 R (Mini)
Cooper, Irving S., Reincarnation, a Hope of the World, 1979, 106 pages.
Written in a suitable way both for the casual reader as well as for the more serious student, the author explores the meaning, purpose, and process of reincarnation, providing logical proofs in support of this theory.
T C785 R
Edge, Henry T, Evolution: Who and What is Man, c1975, 71 pages.
Based on esoteric philosophy, the author develops a study of the evolution of man - both the physical aspect of this process as well as the evolution of his consciousness - examining critically the modern scientific theories.
T Ed35 E (Mini)
Farthing, Geoffrey, After Death Consciousness and Processes, 1996, 306 pages.
A compilation of extracts from the writings of H. P. Blavatsky, co-founder of the Theosophical Society, and her Initiate Teachers about the universal cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, as well as the processes undergone between two incarnations.
Farthing, Geoffrey, When We Die, 1968, 53 pages.
An outline of the processes and subjective states in the period between lives, with some information about spiritualistic and psychic phenomena, based on the writings found in the Mahatma Letters to A. P. Sinnett.
T F251 WWD
Gardner, Edward L., The Play of Consciousness in the Web of the Universe, c1987, 226 pages.
A book about creation and consciousness, explaining why creation happened and how it is structured in a web-like fabric, what is consciousness, and how it evolves by first becoming self-conscious and then transpersonally conscious.
Hanson, Virginia, Karma, Rhythmic Return to Harmony, 1990, 291 p. A collection of articles written by psychologists, scientists, sociologists, astrologers, and scholars in Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, and Hinduism, as well as students of Theosophy.
T H198 KR
Hodson, Geoffrey, The Miracle of Birth: A Clairvoyant Study of a Human Embryo, c1981, 98 pages.
From the fourth month to the time of birth, this author studied clairvoyantly the changes in a fetus, describing in vivid detail the development of the mind, emotions, and the physical body of the growing infant.
T H669 MB
Hodson, Geoffrey, Through the Gateway of Death: A Message to the Bereaved, 1956, 73 pages.
Written primarily to bring consolation and illumination about the teachings of Theosophy regarding death, this book also provides information to those seeking knowledge about man's life after death. Available on CD at Questbooks.com.
T H669 TGD
Jinarajadasa, C., How We Remember our Past Lives, 1973, 72 pages.
In each new incarnation a new brain is developed with nothing of the old memories left. We are, however, the result of our past, and through self-knowledge we may learn much about our past experiences and how to deal with the present.
T J 564 HWR 1973
Leadbeater, C. W., The Life after Death, c1912, 65 pages.
Written by a renowned Theosophist, this book depicts an account of the processes the soul undergoes after death - called Purgatory and Heaven in Christianity - as well as the different entities (human and angelic) that help the departed one in transition.
T L469 LD
Leadbeater, C. W., The Other Side of Death, 1961, 753 pages.
A thorough description of this subject based on clairvoyant research, stating the facts of the after-death life, clarifying religious misconceptions, explaining related phenomena like apparitions and death-bed visions, and evaluating spiritualism and psychical research. Volume One is available for purchase here. Volume 2 is available for purchase here.
T L469 OSD 1961
Judge, William Q., Karma, 1975, 47 pages.
A collection of articles on karma, the law of compensation, how it affects our life, our relationships, and how it relates to heredity and environment.
T-Pam J897.08 K
Judge, William Q., The Scope of Reincarnation, 1960, 98 pages.
Consisting of passages taken from Judge's book Ocean of Theosophy, this book presents reincarnation as a universal process beyond all creeds and dogmas, a rational philosophy of rebirth and immortality bringing the reader to an acquaintance with a "whole view" of life.
T J897 SOR
Katsunoff, Robert G., Does the Bible Teach Reincarnation and Karma, 1959, 51 pages.
Salient data is assembled here revealing the presence of the twin doctrine of reincarnation and karma in the Bible and, particularly, in the New Testament, exploring also philosophically related subjects such as What is Man?, Man's Aim in Life, Evil and Salvation, and more.
T K157 DBT
Leadbeater, C. W., The Devachanic Plane, 1909, 102 pages.
Is there a heaven world, to which the soul withdraws after death? The author describes his clairvoyant investigation of that higher level of existence called devachan in Eastern philosophy, giving information about its characteristics and inhabitants.
T L469 DP (Mini)
Mehta, Rohit, Evolution or the Law of Becoming, 1957, 63 pages.
The author approaches evolution as a process based on mutation, both physical and spiritual, where heredity and natural selection are the means to study evolution "from below" while the spiritual transformation explains the process "from above".
T M474 ELB
Perkins, James S., Through Death to Rebirth, 1973, 124 pages.
Considering the cycles of death and rebirth as a definite and purposeful process towards the gaining of an awareness of immortality, this book addresses the questions of continuity of consciousness and the states a person goes through after death. Available on CD at Questbooks.com.
T P419 TDR 1973
Powell, Arthur, The Solar System, 1930, 371 pages.
Based on the writings of A. Besant and C.W. Leadbeater, this book covers the vast topic of the evolution of consciousness. It describes both the field of evolution and the "streams of life" that evolve in the solar system as the ages roll by.
T P871 SS
Pryse, James M., Reincarnation in the New Testament, 1965, 92 pages.
A careful examination of certain teachings of Jesus and his immediate followers where the concept of reincarnation seems to be implied, attempting to arrive at a clearer understanding of those teachings and all they import.
T P957 RNT
Sri Ram, N., Man: His Origins and Evolution, 1961, 99 pages.
An account of the process of evolution that man undergoes at different levels: spiritual, intellectual, and physical, and the need to integrate ourselves with our spiritual aspect.
T Sr36 MOE
Van Pelt, Gertrude, Rounds and Races: Man's Divine Parentage and Destiny, 1948, 84 pages.
An overview of the different stages in man's evolution embracing his spiritual, intellectual, and physical origin, as well as his divine destiny.
T T343.1 TM no.7 (Mini)
b) Audios
Algeo, John, Reincarnation Explored: Evidence For and Against, CDA 0204
Bland, Betty, The Near-Death Experience: A Theosophical Perspective, AR 4785
Hodson, Geoffrey, How the Human Soul Descends to Birth, CDA 0124
Hodson, Geoffrey, Reincarnation: Fact or Fallacy? CDA 0121
Kunz, Dora, Karma and Human Relations, CDA 0261
Lile, Minor, The Dharma/Karma Nexus: Finding and Following Our Life's Path, AR 5217
Perkins, James, Through Death to Rebirth, CDA 0262
Urban, Vonda, What Death Really Is, CDA 0001-2
c) Videos
Algeo, John, Reincarnation, The Untrue Fact, VR 0374
Algeo, John, A Voice Raised for Freedom: Karma and Nirvana, the Double Key, VR 0707
Brooks, Richard W., I'm Dead! Now What?, DVD 0154
Burnier, Radha, Death and Immortality, VR 1129
Burnier, Radha, Dharma and the Mahatmas, DVD 0144
Krishnamurti, J., Death: Dialogue #14, VR 0077
Kunz, Dora, Death and Dying: A Theosophical Perspective, VR 0018
Mills, Joy, Dharma: The Law of our Best Being, DVD 0031
Nicholson, Shirley, Karma, Skandhas, and Personality, VR 0875